
Achieve the highest standards of sustainability and safety in the mining industry by aiming for strong and lasting compliance with recognized environmental and social management norms and standards, such as TSM, GISTM, the International Cyanide Code, RGMP and IRMA.

Partners in compliance for responsible mining development

At Go-Mine, we understand the critical importance of compliance with TSM (Towards Sustainable Mining) and GISTM (Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management) initiatives. Our compliance service is designed to help mining companies navigate and comply with these rigorous standards, ensuring safer and responsible mining operations.

Environmental compliance & social responsibility
Environmental compliance & social responsibility

Our approach


Gap analysis

We start with a detailed assessment to identify the gaps between your current practices and the requirements of the standards.


Action plan

Based on this analysis, we draw up a customized action plan to close these gaps and achieve compliance.


Implementation and follow-up

Our team will support you in implementing the necessary actions, and follow up to ensure that compliance is maintained.

Why work with us?

Our specialized expertise in compliance with environmental and social standards sets us apart. We offer tailor-made solutions and are committed to sustainability.

TSM expertise

Our team builds training plans adapted to the realities of mining companies to provide their various players with the knowledge and tools they need to develop the reflexes and automatisms they need to maintain environmental and social compliance.

GISTM expertise

Our in-depth analysis process enables us to identify discrepancies accurately and precisely, and provides indicators for aligning or refocusing operations to meet current requirements.

Commitment to the highest performance and rigor

Go-Mine offers professional support in tool preparation and provides advice and recommendations to achieve the expected performance.